Thursday, April 26, 2007

Technical Analysis Will Not Make You Rich!

I've been asked many times before on how to get rich. My reaction, as I always chuckle first, there's no precise and concrete answer. Technical analysis or my trading setups will not turn your forex account $1000 into $100K, or $1 million in a matter of weeks or even months. Like every worthwile effort in our life, success in trading requires dedication, persistence and a never-ending desire to excel. TECHNICAL ANALYIS IS ONLY A TOOL, that if used properly can greatly improve your trading, but it cannot by itself make you a successful trader.

Let's straight up. I earn up to RM8k monthly by using this 15-M setup, by catching 200-300 pips permonth, where 1 pip is equivalent to 10 usd. This excluding profits from my mini account which I rarely traded. To enjoy profits like this you have to have at least USD3k, according to my broker's standard. The key to successful trading is never about your trading setups but your consistency and patience. You have to stick to one setup (must be a good and tested), so it will make easy for you to understand why you win, why you lose. I trade two or three times a week, twelve a month, but I enter at the right time, and of course at the right signal. Traders who make less trade usually make less mistakes.

Saya menjana pendapatan sebanyak RM8k sebulan dengan hanya menggunakan 15-M setup yang saya ajar, dengan mengaut 200-300 pips sebulan dimana 1 pip bersama dengan 10 usd. Tidak terlagi masuk akaun mini yang jarang saya gunakan. Kunci kepada kejayaan bukan terletak kepada analisis teknikal atau setup, tetapi 'consistency' (ketetapan) dan kesabaran. Kalau boleh jangan selalu ubah setup, biar setia pada satu, tapi biarlah setup yang bagus dan telah diuji. Selalu buat nota kenapa trade kamu profit atau loss. Saya masuk pasaran 2,3 kali seminggu, 12,13 sebulan, tetapi masuk pada masa yang tepat dan signal yang tepat. Trader seperti ini jarang melakukan kesilapan kerana mereka mempunyai masa untuk bertenang dan membuat analisis trend.

Trading ideas; buy 1.3610-1.3625, 1.3560-70...........sell 1.3680-90, depends on momentum.

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