Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy New Year

Hi all,
The old 2008 is passing, and the new 2009 is coming.

2008 especially is a turbulent year for the world economy as a whole. I've always been a dollar bull, but I've never expected the dollar to be this strong by this magnitude (and in turn, the euro to fall precipitously). Now, let's play the 2009 guessing game.

With the world's developed economies are turning into deep recession, the 2009 economic forecast is grim and gloomy. Take Malaysia for example. Income for rubber tapers has slashed by about 50% due to the dizzying plunge of the commodity price. Foreign companies have announced a series of desperate measures including job cuts and shutting down plants to cut costs. What other things can they do??

World's economy is wobbling. Share markets are undergoing huge swings on a daily basis, with oil and commodity prices hit record low. Quite the contrary from what our government has been saying, Malaysia isn’t immune to this financial crisis. I hope for the 2009 Najib-led government to stop sugar-coating the situation and step up to the plate. Pre-emptive actions should have been taken by now.

On the other side of story, trading forex has always been my great fun. As my journey is now heading towards other ventures, forex will always have a special place in my heart. And this blog has been a great place to hang out (for me, anyway).

Wishing you a joyous New Year Celebration..
May we embrace this New Year with renewed spirits, will and hope, with lasting love, health and prosperity..

Warmest Regards,

1 comment:

Abel said...

My best wishes for 2009 & success with your ventures. It´s been great to read your charts as well as other posts.

Regards, JustCharts