Saturday, May 05, 2007

Dear Rizalx and str...

Rizalx = While I’m not the smartest guy on earth, but most of technical thing I can just teach myself. But obviously not forex. Need some insight really. How do you handle the news? How you detect the trend? Do news set the trends or trends can retrace back the news effect? Curious how you came up with the euro trade idea last Sunday. Can show me?

Anne = First thing, thanks for your email. Rizal, this is going to be hard, but I feel like you need a teacher badly, someone you can reach out instantly whenever you need him/her. Unfortunately, I couldn't be your teacher. There are others out there whom I'm so sure would be your true and dedicated forex teacher. I also feel like you have to take a step forward, perhaps go attend a forex class, tutorial, seminar, webinar to learn.., not just meeting up somebody and chatting forex over need impetus, guidelines... which only dedicated and full time teacher could offer..I recommend you to go check this website; under forex section, there are a hell lot of info about forex, everyting, you'll get it there...

str: naim,saya cuba memahami pasal ADP,NFP n ISM tapi saya masih lagi takbleh nak faham..aper benda nih semua?boleh naim tolong jelaskan?...ermm dah tlampau banyak soalan saya tanya naim..

Anne = str, saya rasa awak kena belajar banyak tentang ilmu fundamental yang berkait langsung dengan berita semasa..NFP, ADP, ISM. Benda ni kena belajar secara mendalam, baru kita dapat faham macam mana berita itu boleh bagi kesan pada pasaran..Saya syorkan awak website ni;
Kalau ada apa-apa tak faham, boleh tanya saya.

Thank you.

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